In July 2020, the Corona-Ausschuss Vorschalt gUG (i.Gr.) foundation was established based on the ALLBRIGHT Stiftung gGmbH model with charitable articles of association. The Stiftung Corona-Ausschuss charitable foundation was also established.
The objects of the organization's altruistic activities include the promotion of science and research, the promotion of public health — in particular, the prevention and control of communicable diseases — and the promotion of education. These purposes are achieved through the implementation of projects and events, including the regular meetings of the German Corona Investigative Committee, which imparts knowledge about the coronavirus, pandemic preparedness, and the consequences of state management of the COVID-19 crisis.
Since July 2020, the German Corona Investigative Committee has been conducting live, multi-hour sessions to investigate why federal and state governments imposed unprecedented restrictions as part of the coronavirus response. The German Corona Investigative Committee also examines the reverberating social, political, and economic consequences of government COVID restrictions that continue to affect people today.
Since November 25th, 2022, the meetings of the Corona Investigative Committee have been organized by the Corona Committee Foundation, a trust foundation established by lawyer Viviane Fischer. Its Board of Trustees includes Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer, who is a Professor of Human Biology at the University Hospital of Würzburg, and political scientist Stephan Kohn, who is a former senior government official of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior.

At the German Corona Investigative Committee, John Klyczek gave a presentation titled "School World Order: The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution." This presentation explicates how an global union federation known as "Education International (EI)" is collaborating with the World Economic Forum (WEF), the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and Big Tech corporations to propagate a worldwide system of ed-tech cybernetics for the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Beginning with a history of global governance institutions, such as UNESCO, and globalist Round Table NGOs, including the WEF, Klyczek's presentation details how the UNESCO Global Education Coalition, which is endorsed by EI, is facilitating public-private partnerships between multinational technology corporations and national governments to advance the digital stakeholder economy of the Great Reset and the 4IR. Furthermore, the presentation expounds how the UNESCO Global Education Coalition is setting up the ed-tech infrastructure necessary to data-mine students' psychometrics and biometrics through cognitive-behavioral adaptive-learning courseware and socioemotional biofeedback wearables in order to develop artificial intelligence algorithms and social credit databases. Klyczek's presentation also details how brain-computer interfaces are being designed to merge students with 4IR AI through the internet-of-things and the internet-of-bodies.

The German Corona Investigative Committee has also featured presentations from Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, who is a former member of the German Bundestag and the former Chair of the Health Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe;
Dr. Michael Yeadon, who is the former Chief Scientist and Vice-President of the Allergy and Respiratory Research Division of Pfizer;
Dr. Judy Mikovitz, who is a former National Cancer Institute laboratory technician and the former Research Director of the Whittemore Peterson Institute; Dr. Mark Crispin Miller, who is a New York University Professor of Media Studies and the author of Boxed in: The Culture of TV; Dr. Naomi Wolf, who is a former presidential campaign advisor for Bill Clinton and the author of The Beauty Myth and The Bodies of Others; Dr. Simone Gold, who is the founder of America's Frontline Doctors; Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is the Founder and Chairman of Children's Health Defense and the son of former US Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy Sr.; Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who is the former Governorate of Vatican City State and the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States; Mattias Desmet, who is a professor in the Department of Psychoanalysis and Clinical Consulting at Ghent University in Belgium; Scott Ritter, who served as a US Marine Corps intelligence officer and as a weapons inspector for the United Nations; and Catherin Austin Fitts, who is a former Senior Vice President of Dillon, Read, & Co. and the former US Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President George H. W. Bush.