The American Freedom Alliance (AFA) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization which promotes, defends, and upholds Western values and ideals. AFA sponsors conferences, publishes opinions, distributes reports, and creates networking groups to identify threats to Western civilization and to motivate, educate, and unite citizens in support of that cause. The AFA aims to build an international coalition of academics, journalists, and citizens from all across the Western world, joining together through seminars, conferences, publications, and activist networks to promote and protect moral values, democracy, and freedom. The AFA has also instituted a Freedom Academy, which has published a World War II lecture series by Victor Davis Hanson, who is a Senior Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.
The AFA Global Puppet Masters conference was hosted by the President of the AFA, Dr. Karen Siegemund, who has been featured in the Epoch Times and interviewed on Fox News. At the Global Puppet Masters conference, presentations were given by Dr. Michael Rectenwald, who is the Chief Academic Officer of American Studies at Hillsdale College and the author of The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty; Dr. James Lindsay, who is the author of Cynical Theories and a contributor to New Discourses; Patrick Wood, who is the editor of Technocracy News and the co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington; Ed Dowd, who is a former BlackRock portfolio manager and the founder of Phinance Technologies; Dr. Peter Breggin, who is a former National Institute of Mental Health psychiatrist; Steve Coughlin, who served with the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Directorate for Intelligence; Guy Millière, who is a Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Gatestone Institute and a Professor of Cultural History at the University of Paris; Kevin Freeman, who is the founder and chairman of the National Security Investment Consultant Institute and a Senior Fellow of the Center for Security Policy; Thierry Baudet, who is the founder of the Forum for Democracy and a member of the House of Representatives of the States General Parliament of the Netherlands; Michael O'Fallon, who is the founder of Sovereign Nations; and Joe Allen, who hosts Steve Bannon's War Room and contributes to The Federalist. The keynote address of the Global Puppet Masters conference was given by Steve Bannon, who is a co-founder of Breitbart News and the former White House Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor to President Donald Trump.

At the AFA Global Puppet Masters conference, John Klyczek gave a presentation titled "School World Order: From Technocracy to Transhumanism," which explicates a crash course in his book, School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education. The presentation details how a series of evolving education technologies, including cognitive-behavioral adaptive-learning courseware and socioemotional biofeedback wearables, are being utilized to data-mine students' psychometrics and biometrics in order to develop artificial intelligence algorithms and social credit databases. The presentation also expounds how brain-computer interfaces are being designed to merge students with AI through the internet-of-bodies and the internet-of-things. Additionally, the presentation historicizes how the Order of Skull and Bones has been instrumental in advancing the evolution of ed-technocracy.

Klyczek also participated in a Global Puppet Masters Roundtable Panel titled "Cutting the Puppet Master's Strings," which included Dr. Michael Rectenwald, Dr. James Lindsay, and Patrick Wood. During this roundtable session, the panelists identified the power centers of the globalist puppet masters. The panelists also discussed strategies for resisting and reversing the technocratic machinations of the globalist puppet masters who are orchestrating the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.